Humphrey & Thompson

Archive for 'By Jared M. Thompson' Category
Jan 10, 2014

The Three Strikes Law was passed in California with an huge majority of somewhere near 70% of the population. In the 20 or so years since the law was passed, it has proved to be a failed experiment in crime and punishment. The point is brilliantly presented by Malcom Gladwell in his book “David and […]

Jan 8, 2014

You May Have Options We recently had a client who was charged with drug sales, drug transportation, and several other charges many of which were felonies. It was a tough case and the prosecutor had strong evidence against our client. The client, who was not a drug dealer, simply let drug use create a very […]

Jul 16, 2013

As the verdict in the George Zimmerman Trial was announced over this past weekend, there was a much anticipated flood of opinions and emotions, as people began to pick sides in a social and political debate. One very important piece of this trial seems to be forgotten – Our criminal justice system worked in the […]

Apr 7, 2012

Yesterday, Governor Brown granted clemency to a 51 year old woman, who had been convicted of the murder of her 7 week old grandson in 1997. Shirley Smith was prosecuted under the “shaken baby syndrome” theory, which was based primarily on the testimony of two coroner’s officials, and offered to the jury as scientific. The […]